How soon will I get my package?

Shipping time varies by location. These are our estimates:

  • United States: 5 - 7 business days
  • United Kingdom: 5 - 7 business days
  • Canada: 5 - 7 business days
  • Australia: 7 - 10 business days
  • New Zealand: 7 - 10 business days

This doesn't include our 2-5 day processing time.

All shipping times exclude clearance/customs delays

How can I track my order?

A shipping confirmation is emailed to you as soon as your order has been shipped, which will allow you to track the status of your shipment from our website.

How do I know if my package has shipped and is on its way?

Once you place an order, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Once your order has been processed and is ready to leave our distribution center, you will receive another email with shipping information. Please note that the shipping confirmation email does not necessarily mean that the carrier has picked up your package from our distribution center. Please use the appropriate carriers tracking features to determine when your package has been picked up and is in transit.

Please allow 24-48 hours from the time you place your order for its status to update.

Why didn't I receive an order confirmation/shipping confirmation email?

After you place your order, we always send an order confirmation email to the email you provided us. After we ship your order, we also send shipping confirmation email to the email you provided us. Please be sure to check your spam/junk folder for the emails.

My tracking info shows my package was delivered, but I never received it?

We know how important your order is! OmiBelt™ provides our customers with the option to track your package. If the tracking information states that your items have been delivered but you have not received it, please check around your neighborhood in case another home received it by mistake. Speak with family, roommates, etc. in the event they received it on your behalf. The package may also have been left with property managers or an apartment office.

We will always do our best to assist you, but OmiBelt™ does not hold responsibility for packages that are lost or stolen in transit. If you are still unable to locate your package, you must contact the shipping carrier to discuss the issue and file a claim with them.

Why isn't my tracking info updating, is there something wrong?

This is normal. The tracking information normally lags behind the true status of your package. If it hasn't updated in over 1 week, please contact support.

How secure is my personal information?

OmiBelt™ adheres to the highest industry standards to protect your personal information.

Your credit card information and personal details are encrypted during transmission using the 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer technology), the same level of encryption used by large banks around the world.

Your credit card information is only used to complete the requested transaction and is NOT subsequently stored.

Have more questions?

If you have any additional questions, you can send us an email at info@omibelt.com